In 2014, I had hired my own coach. At one point, after listening to me go on and on about ‘not doing’ what I had told him I wanted to do, said to me, “Karin, ‘certainty’… about anything…. is BS!”
And I was like, “But, but, but…I just want to be sure of what will happen!”
Can you relate to this? I cannot move a muscle until I know how its going to all turn out. And then what happens next? Paralysis by Analysis, maybe???? More times than not, you wind up not doing anything because you need to be certain of what will happen? This sounds hauntingly familiar….
You see certainty is exactly what stops MOST OF US from taking the next big step… or even some small steps towards what it is we really want…..
In my session, with my coach, I wanted to be certain or sure that my risk and the money invested into my business would pay off…that I would build up clientele and make money and help people in the process. What I have come to realize in the past years since that session is that truly, there are no guarantees… no way to ‘know’ for sure.
So what is the answer? Take risks all over the place? Throw good caution to the wind? What about considering the risk-rewards scenarios? I have found the most reliable way to put myself in what I call the ‘flow’ of my passion or goal is to tap into what it is the I LOVE about it in the first place. Let me give an example. What I love about coaching others is getting to witness my client’s thinking… seeing them put it all together and take control over an aspect of their life. It is like watching a miracle happen or a discovering a diamond in the earth.. it is magical! See, I try to focus on this feeling of miraculous self-empowerment and helping facilitate and create those moments INSTEAD of the money. Yes I said INSTEAD OF THE MONEY. When I can truly work from this perspective and my focus is on what I absolutely love about coaching people, then the desire for certainty falls away. Being in this ‘flow’ of my work, ensures the outcomes my clients want. And subsequently ensures the outcomes I want for my business.
What puts you in the flow of your life’s work? What lights you up? Figure out what this is and work from this lens, and the outcomes you want will start to fall into place.