The idea is simple. Choose one word to live your year by. Just. One. Word. Use this word as the lens through which you look at all your choices, decisions, actions. It will massively change your life.

I am all for setting intentions and goals for your life in order to get really specific about how you want to live… involving lots of thinking here and planning. Yes, these things do work also! My god, I’m a life coach! I hang my hat on those things working!! AND as a coach, I’m all about simplifying life so these things can actually happen–so we don’t get in our own way. That’s why adopting One Word is so beautiful…. It is simple and unforgettable.

Here’s what I know about words:

Words directly impact both our behavior and our emotions. If I tell myself “I am healthy,” these words—this concept—shapes how I eat, what my exercise habits are, and ultimately how I feel about my body, mind, spirit and my general health. If I say to myself “I am unhealthy,” well then the same occurs, yet in the opposite direction… are you following me here? It all starts in the mind, then goes to feelings and behavior. Words matter. What we tell ourselves matters.

How to choose your One Word:

Let it come to you. Yep… simple right?

As you are percolating and trying to land on your word, you may see or hear this word a lot. That’s when you know. Or perhaps, it’s a word that represents something you want more of in your life or want to be more like. Maybe it’s that recurring thought that you have been thinking about for awhile. Now is the time to allow it to come forward and be expressed in your daily life!

Set yourself (and your One Word) up for success:

You need to tell people what your One Word is. You need to own it. Tell your peeps… family, friends, co-workers. Ask them to help hold you accountable when you are not living your One Word!

Two years ago my One Word was “Fearless.” My entire family (including my two kids) would say, “Well that doesn’t sound very fearless, does it?” They caught me every time they observed me doing/saying something out of alignment with “living more fearlessly.” People who love you will be glad to help hold you accountable to what you have told them is important to you. They are cheering for you (and they also like to poke at you a bit, sometimes, too!)

Keeping your One Word at the forefront of your mind will create a new way of being, acting, speaking. I guarantee it. I have tons and tons of testimonials of the power of One Word to change lives… from becoming more grateful (which improved relationships), to writing a book and starring in their own short film.

Here’s the Homework

Choose One Word. Tell People. Write it Down (everywhere: screensavers, sticky notes, as part of your email signature). Live It!

I’d love to hear your One Word for 2023! Contact me through my website or email me directly at when you own it!

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