We have all kinds of people in our lives. We have those in our inner circle (spouse, kids, parents). We have people who are outside of that circle of trust and love, but who are still pretty involved in our lives (think extended family, co-workers, neighbors, friends). There are also those that are more acquaintances, but whom we interact with on a semi-regular basis (cashiers, people we see at the gym, mail deliverer).
Sometimes these relationships change. Maybe you no longer go that particular gym, and as such you don’t keep in contact with those people you used to see regularly there. Or, you move away from your neighborhood–perhaps keeping in touch with a few people, but there are others you simply never see again.
What if you have a falling out with a friend–a long-time friend? Or, what if you and your spouse decide its simply time to go your separate ways? The complexity of time and closeness, shared history, and complex emotions come into play.
How do you (or how can you) “Release with Love?” Is it possible to let that person go from your life without anger, confusion, resentment? I would offer a “yes” in response to this question.
How? You ask….
Think about working from your heart instead of your head for a second. Close your eyes (after you read this) and imagine sinking down into your heart, into the love you have for that person. Because even if you are angry with them or they have done something to hurt you, you do have love for them deep down. Get in touch with that feeling of love and caring for that particular person. Imagine that the choice of ending this relationship is done from this place. Actually visualize releasing the person from your life, from your heart… with love, through love, because you love them.
Now open your eyes.
Ask yourself this question: Is it okay for life to change?
Answer: Life is all about change, everyday it’s changing. And it’s all okay.
Releasing someone from your life with LOVE is a choice. Letting go of that person for any number of reasons can be done with love. It is possible… simply sink down into your heart and take it from there.