Light. Joy. Peace on Earth. Love.
I feel myself going inward during this time of year. I know it is the change of seasons, with winter coming. It is doing more examination of myself, my motivations, my desires, my dreams, who I am. Winter brings one to focus internally, to cocoon and warm up to who we really are.
It is also the season of Light. The light of God, the celebration of Jesus’ birth, a call to spend time with our family and friends. Time off of work and school to just be in the light and love of one’s life. Even though the outer layers of my life have not slowed yet, as I still go to work, drive children around in the evening, prepare meals, shop for gifts… I feel internally that I am slowing and maybe just trying to be ‘present’ to it all.
The call for mindfulness is all around. The call to appreciate all that I have and all that I get to experience. The difficult conversations I have with people who have lost a loved one and this time of year, given this season serves as a reminder of their absence of loved ones.
But even with that, there is a beauty of the Season. As I age, all I want is to know is the beauty of all around me. I am getting better and better at seeing this aspect of people and situations… focusing on life, rather than the negativity or sorrow. I wish to dwell in this space of bliss, peace, joy, Light… more and more often. When I touch this place, everything makes greater sense. For when we come back to what God (or the Universe) wants for each of us, then nothing, nothing in life is ‘wrong.’ What is that ‘want’ for each of us? To live a life of meaning and to touch others lives. Even difficult life events start to become part of the beautiful tapestry of our lives. In seeing all of this, truly I can start to accept and believe this is indeed what is true and right.
Perhaps the ‘Reason for the Season’ is to bring us to bear witness to the magic that is unfolding in front of us… this beautiful and complicated thing called our Life.
Sending you great love & light at this time of year!