I just completed a 6-week Mindfulness course with the 4th Graders at the school where I work. I wanted to do a Pilot course of sorts to see if indeed regular exposure to mindfulness concepts and activities would help support an increase in focus, concentration, emotional regulation, and better peer relationships. In our time together, we focused on the following areas: Being Present through Breath Awareness, Being Present through Body Awareness, Interconnection, Kindness, & Gratitude, Working with Emotions, Mindful Speech, and Peace.

The Essential Questions we asked each class were: “Why be more mindful?” “What is Mindfulness?” And “How can I be more mindful?” The 36 kids (two classes of 18) were primarily ‘into’ learning about mindfulness. They would arrange their desks in a circle and have my place to sit ‘all ready’ when I got there. They knew we started each session with the gong of the singing bowl and ended each with it also. There was a sacredness ‘feel’ in that classroom during those 45 minutes–one that cannot fully be described.

During our time together, each student would get a time to share as the talking stick was passed. This was their chance to give feedback about their mindfulness homework or something they thought about in the past two weeks that related to mindfulness. (Only when they were holding the talking stick, of course!). There was never any judgment about their answers, whether they did or did not do the homework… all feedback and answers were okay. Students began to understand the beauty that lies in ‘the present.’ One student referred to ‘the present’ as “this is where I can really experience my life!”

On the post-survey I gave to students at the end of the program, one student said “I learned how to love people more.” Another 4th Grader said, “I feel more confident than I used to.” Out of 36 responses, 30 students reported they learned how to control their breathing better and that taking deep breaths was helpful to them in calming down. 24 students said they gained better control over their emotions, felt calmer, and/or could control their anger better. One boy, upon learning that our course was ending soon, exclaimed, “This can’t end! This is the stuff we need for the rest of our lives!”

Well, with comments, feedback, and experiences like this… how can I just ‘end’ it? The next 6 week course starts on Monday ;). These kids are teaching this teacher the deep value of presence every time I am with them. I am deeply grateful for these kids and the mindfulness lessons they are teaching ME!

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