I've gotta tell you: I am on a personal spiritual journey in fast forward. I recently read the memoir of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (think The "Stages of Grief" and the book "On Death and Dying"). I [...]
See everyone's hidden beauty and shine it back on them. Be that mirror to others.
Mindful Use of Technology?
One of the new features on the latest update for Apple iPhone is a usage tracker. I will get an update that flashes once per week "your iPhone usage is down 13% from last week," [...]
Love truly is the greatest gift. Are you as present as you should be for the ones you love?
A few months ago we had Homecoming at my daughters' school. The entire week was filled with so many fun activities for the students: Spirit Week (remember that?)! On any given day my girls would [...]
Real teachers surround us in the most unusual ways. Sometimes they are in the people we meet, and sometimes they come from within. What lessons are you learning now from your #RealTeacher?